Archive for the ‘Community Scripts’ Category
OpenCollab Social Collaboration Script

OpenCollab Social Collaboration Script is an easy to use social network and collaboration-tool for you, your friends, family or company. It has all the features you already know from sites such as facebook, linkedIn, xing, studivz and many more. OpenCollab is easy to use and a simple to install...
PunBB Forum Script

PunBB Forum Script is a fast and lightweight open source PHP-powered discussion board. It’s primary goals are to be faster, smaller and less graphically intensive as compared to other forum scripts in the market. PunBB has fewer features than many other discussion boards, but is generally faster and outputs...
Forum Pay Per Post Script

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Users have reported to us that the developer of this script has been delinquent in their promises, provides no after sales support and to some extend scam their customers. We at do not support or condone purchases of such scripts and advices against it until the...
Spider Board Forum Script

Spider Board Forum Script Board is an open source light-weight message board system. It was designed to allow you to create a simple message board, and theme it to your current website with CSS. It only requires one database table. No bulky registration system required. Offers the ability to...
PXBulletin Forum Script

PXBulletin Forum Script is a free bulletin or forum script created with the main purpose of supporting social media such as community page, friends network, wall posts, status updates and etc. Script Features: Extremely easy to use HTML template system Custom profile fields. User control panel. Categorized forums. Range...